Happy Faces

So I promised my friends that I would do 30 blog posts in 30 days. And then, like an idiot, I ate bad leftovers. So I’ve been miserable all day. Also, my wedding pictures came today. So really, all I’ve done since I’ve got off work is:

1. Talk to my photographer, who is also a very dear friend of mine.

2. Drink 2 cups of tea.

3. Go to the store to visit my husband and get some soup.

4. Upload wedding pictures to Facebook.

So exciting right? Isn’t this pretty much the world’s most boring blog post? I have absolutely nothing interesting to stay tonight. But, this is my life. And I promised. If it wasn’t November, I’d just not post anything at all, but, it is what it is.

Tomorrow will be better. I already have plans.



November 1. A goal setting day for many people. If you are a man, you are probably very excited, because it means you don’t have to shave for a month. Unless you are my husband, because your work mandates a clean shaven face. And I’m sorry honey, you look like a porn star with a mustache, and no matter how badly you miss your beard, it just doesn’t work. 

If you are a writer, November means Novel Writing Month, NoNaWriMo. This is a month where writers all over set out to write so many words a day–a goal they set on the first day of the month. Bloggers have taken this same idea and turned it into NoBloWriMo. Same idea, only the idea is to write a blog post every single day. And since I’m trying to get this blog going, I set the goal to do so. 

Not only did I do that, I roped two writer friends of mine into participating in their own writing goals, so now I HAVE to stay accountable. And then I got sidelined by an epic migraine today. So instead of the fantastic honeymoon post and review that was planned for today, you get this. Because I completely forgot that today was November 1. So I’m sorry. But I couldn’t fail to write SOMETHING on November 1. I promise, good things are coming your way this month, so stay tuned. I have a great many posts planned, and some interesting ideas for the blog that are going to take it in a direction I hadn’t originally anticipated.

Hope you are excited to come chase some gold mines with me!

Cheers to New Adventures

I am sitting in a hotel in Peoria, IL, on an impromptu weekend away from home. The hubby (I still can’t believe it!) is on his very last two days of training, so I came along to do a few things we were going to do on our honeymoon.

It struck me in my shower this morning that there is nothing I love more than to share all the fun things Mr. M and I do. I tag us on Facebook, I brag relentlessly about the places we’ve been. I journal about where we go. Why do I not start a blog? So that’s precisely what I am doing. For those of you who like to try new hole in the walls, I hope you will follow along on our adventures. Most will be close to home–Fishers/Indy, but we will be moving around in the next few years, and who knows where we will end up! The opinions will be solely my own–with a few of the hubby’s thrown in, I’m sure. Most will probably be places we enjoyed, but I can’t promise there won’t ever be a negative review. You know me and my opinions…they are plentiful and loud!

Anyway…I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I hope I enjoy writing it. I’m sure it will be random and crazy, as my life always is. Come chase after gold mines with me.


Mrs. M.